The performer of east dances

восточные танцы в Одессе, танцовщица в Одессе, исполнительница восточных танцев, экзотическая танцовщица
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

       The performer of oriental dance in Odessa - a colorful show for any occasion whether it's a wedding, corporate event, birthday or other special occasion. A dancer performs in bright costumes . Each of them is represented in a specific output. The repertoire of the girl with a large fan dance, dance with a shawl. The dance consists of 2 parts . The first - a solo ( staged ) . Second - interactive with the audience (improvisation).

        Everyone will be able to try to learn a few moves and understand how difficult this elegant dance form. Girl choreographer, ballet master. Performed Eastern belly dancing and Arabic belly dancing, working on his heels. She has extensive experience in performing in the best institutions of the city. This unusual show is the perfect accent for any holiday.

    Cost 1st issue - 3000 UAH.  Duration of performance - 6-8 minutes .

    The price includes:

    • transportation ;
    • dance performance ;
    • props ;
    • interactive with the audience .
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