Master class on jumping

джампинг в Одессе, научиться джампингу в Одессе, мастер-класс по джампингу в Одессе
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

         Master class on jumping in Odessa - will present you an opportunity to learn to jump in such a way to receive a great number of happines and good emotions.

         Of course, first time you can't do it in a good way, but our instructors make all possible to teach you how to jump.

         Jumping is a recently appeared kind of sport, that gets more and more popularity. There is a joly jumper - a trainer for running and jumping. There is no analog to this trainer in the world. Joly jumper is a strong and safe trainer. Thanks to this juming is a safe kind of sport.

         Fast tempo, and not difficult exersices can awaken in you a great mood and also burn some calories.

         Jumping - it is two in one. From one side, joly jumper - it is a special trainer, thanks to witch  you can pump some musculs and get better your posture. From other side - it is a good way to avoid from negative emotions and receive extreme emotions.

         Master class includes instruction, exercise and jumping.

         Price includes instruction, bandage, helmet, outfit and protection.


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