Micromagic show

Микромагия, Одесса
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    Micromagic show in Odessa is performed by illusionist, which shows tricks with small objects.

    Magician took part in television show: "Minute of Fame", "Ukraine's Got Talent", " Intuition".

    His program "Micromagic" consists of two parts.

    In the first part magician demonstrates various tricks to music during 15 minutes.

    He uses various props: rings, ropes, scarves. Pigeons are also involved in his show. He puts them into a cage, covers with fabric, throws - and cage disappears.

    It also shows a trick with flying cane and levitating table.

    In the second part of his illusion show magician interacts with public.

    The program can last from 30 to 50 minutes.

    The price of a half-hour show - 2300 UAH.

    Transportation of artist (from Kiev to Odessa) is paid separately.

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