Wedding organization in Denmark – wedding in Denmark

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Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    The most beautiful country of Scandinavia with a charming cozy capital. Here everything has a peaceful rest, in spite of the fact that in many architectural complexes there are traces of ancient Vikings who inhabited these lands. Also, the atmosphere filled with Andersen's creativity will not escape attention, and the monument to the famous Mermaid reminds of eternal love.

    And Denmark is simply created for those who are in a hurry to reunite their loving hearts in marriage. It will also be easy for those who are second-rate citizens of different countries. It is in Denmark that this condition is very loyal. The number of documents is minimal, and knowledge of the language and laws will help speed up the procedure. Apostille and legalization of documents take very little time, and if you contact the agency, the marriage can be registered in just one day. Especially it is convenient for those wishing to move to a permanent place of residence in the EU countries, provided that they have signed the Hague Convention.

    What will it take to document your love in Denmark:

    • Choosing a commune. They differ in different cities on the requirements and timing of the preparation of documents.
    • Collect the necessary package of documents, which includes passports, birth certificates, certificates of marital status and discharge from the place of residence; Their translation, certified by an apostille and a document on the payment of a fee, which is 500 kroons
    • Determine the place of your wedding
    • Plan the route and program of the celebration
    • Book a transfer, hotel and restaurant
    • Find florists, decorators, steward, photographer, stylist

    What places should I prefer to celebrate the solemn event? Of course, most of the attractions in Copenhagen itself. This is the oldest in Europe, the park of Tivoli, and the royal residence, and the new harbor, and the palace of Rosenborg and many others. Those who prefer romance associated with the seaside, shipyards and yachts, it is worth playing their wedding in Svenborg. And lovers of ancient architecture will conquer their castles, cathedrals, monasteries and churches Roskilde and Aarhus.

    Do not forget that Denmark is surrounded by the best countries in Europe, so do not miss the opportunity to combine the wedding ceremony with a wedding trip.

    If you are already married, but you want to relive an exciting moment in an unusual environment, or you are deterred by a bother with documents, then, as an option, you can hold a symbolic wedding. In it everything will be real, except for the issued certificate of marriage.

    If you do not want unreported trifles marred the happiness of the newlyweds, and the bureaucratic system spoiled the last nerves, you can apply to the wedding agency. In Ukraine, the best agency for the provision of services related to celebrations and entertainments is considered to be Rush. Having looked through our wedding reference reports, you will be sure that with our experience your holiday will pass without a hitch, according to a clearly designed plan, happily and naturally. And your memory for a long time will keep the joyful impressions of your wonderful wedding!

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