Professional pyrotechnic installation

Профессиональная пиротехническая установка
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    Professional pyrotechnic installation (typesetting)

    Professional pyrotechnic installation (typesetting) in Odessa is a firework, which requires the participation of professional pyrotechnics.

    The difference between professional and standard salutes is that they do not have bright and colorful packages. They are modestly decorated, but under this cover there is a large number of large caliber charges.

    Such a firework will look more colorful and spectacular. Professionals will pick up salutes of different caliber and type, creating a pyrotechnic show. Fireworks are selected based on your budget and the duration of the show.

    These pyrotechnic installations do not require the presence of pyrotechnics. Professionals will pick you one big installation with a wick that you can light yourself.

    The cost of the service includes

    • selection of pyrotechnic installations
    • Calculating the show by time.

    Cost may vary depending on the number and size of the units.

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