Saxophone show

Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support
*Cost includes manager support
Saxophone show in Odessa - is a colorful musical performances from fragile and charismatic artist.
Experience of the artist:
- Graduated from Nikolaev School of Music in piano class;
- Graduated from the Odessa State Conservatory;
- The winner of the national contest of pianists named after G.Neygauza (Kirovograd);
- The winner of the international competition on the theory of music (Donetsk);
- The winner of the Grand Prix for the best piano improvisation (Donetsk);
- In 2004 the artist began learning to play the saxophone at the Honored Artist of Ukraine and Moldova Ruslan Kuchera.
- He takes an active part in the celebrations of the city: City Day, Woman of the Year, Umorina, etc.
- Tour in Europe: Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Russia, Ukraine.
Themes of the show numbers:
- Gypsy;
- Irish;
- the Balkans;
- Disco 80's;
- Marine;
- Latin American;
- Club;
- Odessa;
- Folk music.
- 1 show number (2 performances) - 1500 grn/20 min.
- Background music - 1500 UAH / 1 hour