The Show-ballet

Шоу-балет Одесса
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

         Show-ballet in Odessa is the highlight of your holiday. Spectacular Room professionally trained participants will take a lot of bright emotions to your guests. Show-ballet is a laureate of various festivals and competitions, took part in the carnival procession "Humor" annually takes part in the wedding master classes, in particular, holds a master class for setting a wedding dance.

         Show room:

    • Extravaganza feelings
    • Kan-kan
    • Bollywood
    • Rhythms of Spain
    • Gypsy Rhapsody

         Cost of show-ballet performances:

    • 2 rooms - 3000 UAH .;
    • 3 rooms  - 3800 UAH
    Contact us