Fabulous new year

корпорартив в стиле алиса в стране чудес

"- Don't be sad, - said Alice. - Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful pattern, like lace.
It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right. "

It is with such a magical and unique atmosphere that the corporate party called "Fabulous New Year" was imbued!
Welcome to Through the Looking Glass! The New Year's program based on the world famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll became an exciting journey into the world of magic and mysteries.

Every minute of the holiday was filled with surprises, irony and humor!

At the entrance, guests were greeted by fairy-tale characters - the Hatter and the Queen, who, only by their appearance, already immersed the guests in the world of fantasy! And for the further journey to the magical land, the guests had to "shrink" with the help of an enchanted cookie.

The decor of the hall, the general atmosphere and mood were truly magical and magical.

The crazy tea style was supported by the work of the confetti machine, and a professional DJ was responsible for the wonderful mood of the guests.

As a result, we fulfilled our goal by 1000% - to move away from the standard ideas about a party and turn everything literally upside down.

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