Training “Battle”

тимбилдинг 12
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    Training "Battle"

    Training on the choice of the optimal strategy. Teams receive all tasks at once. This is usually from 30 to 70 tasks! Chaos! What to do? Where to start? What sequence to stick with? What strategy to choose?

    The teams will have to think through not only the strategy of passing each individual task, but also the general global strategy of passing the tasks themselves: which tasks to pass (where we will be most effective), which ones to drop, which route to take who will exercise overall command ...

    Teams receive 3 types of tasks: search, intellectual and sports.

    What is useful training

    • develops strategic thinking
    • improves mutual understanding and teamwork
    • reduces the number of conflict situations and establishes new friendly chains
    • raises the bar of trust in the team
    • improves team communication
    • forms and develops the ability to take personal responsibility for the team result

    Recommended team composition: 7-10 people

    Training duration: 3-4 hours

    Training cost: 23000 UAH

    The cost varies depending on the number of people and the content of the game.

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