“Chemical show” for children

химическое шоу одесса
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

         An experienced professor Ochumelkin will hold the program "Chemical show" for children in Odessa. He will show interesting experiments in which kids will take part.

        If your kids like experiments and want to learn something new, they will surely enjoy the “Chemical show” from professor Ochumelkin. He will not only show, but also tell children how various substances could interact with each other. Kids will do experiments by themselves under the guidance of animator. They will see what happens when you mix certain chemical elements.

        The program "Chemical show" includes the following experiments:

    • experiments with gravity;
    • creating licks;
    • crazy bubbles;
    • dry ice and more.

        Program duration may vary: 45 minutes or 1 hour.

        The cost of the program "Chemical show" for children:

    • 45 minutes - 2500 UAH.;
    • 60 minutes - 3000 UAH.

    The price includes:

    • transfer;
    • work of one animator per 1 hour;
    • props;
    • musical arrangement.
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