Live mannequins

Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    There is no surprise has left in Odessa city? Do you want to have more customers? Or maybe you just want to to attract attention? We are ready to bring to your attention "live mannequins" service in Odessa. This service will help to rise sales in times and attract people to your store.

    Are you wondering what it is or why do I need this? Live people can stand among the soulless, gray showcases wearing clothesfrom the store, for example.

    They are not movable like statues for some time and all of a sudden mannequin comes to life: beckoning hand, smiling, flirting with passersbies. All this is done to ensure that people would pay attention to your new collection.

    If your store hasnt got a window, it can be arranged indoors. This work involves specially trained young girls and boys.

    Many stores are taking advantage of this service and were satisfied, because their customers will remember their special store.

    Price is for one person.

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