Mobile quest rooms

квесты в Одессе
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support


    Recently, more and more popular is gaining this kind of active leisure, as quest rooms. Few people know that the first quest room was created in the early 70's and it was presented in the form of a computer program. After a while, people decided to turn virtual reality into reality, erasing computer boundaries and presenting the room as a tangible illusion.

    Quest room - this is the pill that will allow you to step back from the pressing problems, will present pleasant emotions and unforgettable impressions.

    What is it !? - this is an adventure that everyone can go to!

    Quest - "the search for objects, solutions, adventures" - is an action that takes place in a closed area on which there can be one or several rooms. Each quest characterizes a story, which describes the subjects and tasks. It's a great way to feel like an actor, to understand that nothing is impossible, that all tasks and tasks are doable, and there are no questions that could not be answered. In general, an excellent school of life! Quest awakens a real team spirit and an irresistible will to win!

    Additional Information:
    The task is to solve all the puzzles and find a valuable artifact!
    The number of people in the team is from 2 to 5.
    The duration of each quest is from 20 to 30 minutes.
    Time to restore the quest and photograph the winners - 5-10 minutes.

    The cost of three hours of work of one quest: 3850 UAH.
    The cost of three working hours of two quests: 6500 UAH .
    One quest extension for one hour: 900 UAH.

    * The cost includes delivery and equipment quest. Operator's work. Photo near the banner.

    Квесты в Одессе Квест-комнаты в Одессе квесты в Одессе квест-комнаты в Одессе

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