Opening a branch of the company DomProbki in Odessa

DomProbki is the official representative of European cork manufacturers in Ukraine, working directly with factories from Portugal, Germany and Switzerland.

Category: presentation;

Dates: April 12, 2018; Place: st. Troitskaya, 43a, Odessa;

The number of states: 25 people;

In March 2018, domProbki approached us to organize the inauguration of the Odessa branch of the online store. The presentation took place in the store. Partners and distributors from Kiev were invited. The main task was to ergonomically use a small area of ​​the store in order to comfortably arrange a buffet, cocktail tables, a photo zone and musical equipment.

The World Fashion Channel correspondent was invited to the event.

Services provided by us:

  • catering
  • hall decoration
  • arch of balls at the main entrance
  • the Red carpet
  • rental of music equipment
  • photographer
  • corporate cake


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