
Примирение в Одессе
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    If you had a quarrel with your girlfriend or boyfriend and don’t know how to make it up, Reconciliation service will help you!

    Stilters-angels and mimes are involved in the scenario.

    To start with, you need to "lure the victim" to the place of the performance. Your friends can help you with that problem. They will come with a girl or a boy to the right place at the right time.

    Two mimes (girl and a boy) will be waiting for him/her there. Mimes will perform a love story. They will show how first they met, how their romantic relationship developed. Then they will have a quarrel and will try to reconcile. Suddenly they will realize that they can’t live without each other.

    At this moment two stilters dressed like an angels will "fly" to them to reconcile lovers.

    And then you will appear with flowers. Your friends will deployed posters with romantic phrases and fireworks show will begin.

    Mimes and stilters lead you to each other - and you, overflowing with positive feelings and romantic emotions, finally, will make peace with each other.

    The cost of services includes:

    • work of 2 mimes;
    • work of 2 stilters.

    Also there is possible to develop an individual scenario with selecte

    d different services.

    Props, additional services and work of more artists are paid separately.

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