Мастер-класс по декупажу

сделать своими руками в Одессе, научиться декупажу в Одессе, мастер-класс по декупажу в Одессе
Price for:
Minimum order amount - 5000 UAH
*Cost includes manager support

    Master class on decoupage in Odessa will give you the opportunity to make an original gift under the guidance of professionals to help you get away from the master class is not empty-handed, and with the expensive product.

       In our time, it has become incredibly fashionable to do things with his hands, to give unique gifts and create original features and clothing. Yielding to this zeal, we realize that not everyone can do with his hands. Where there is not enough equipment, somewhere knowledge. That is why you might want to attend a master class on decoupage in Odessa.

        Decoupage - a technique of decorating a variety of items, based on the accession to the subject of painting, drawing or ornament, and the resulting coating composition varnish to give effectively, durability and safety.

        In the Middle Ages furniture makers using the decoupage technique imitated expensive oriental inlay, which was much cheaper, however, there has been huge demand.

          The glue that is used in a master class on decoupage, French and Italian.

      As subjects used a large diameter saucers, wooden boxes, and other items are not cheap.

    The cost varies depending on the number of participants:

    • for 1 or 2 persons - 600 UAH
    • for companies up to 15 persons - 350 UAH per person..

     All materials are included in the cost of the master class.

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